Indecision, confusion, fear... These are just three of the exponential number of tools the enemy of your soul has used, and will continue to use against you, me, and the multitude of others that he has sought to steal from, kill, and destroy...
What? Why so surprised? Jesus tells us Himself in John 10:10 that the enemy literally and figuratively wants to destroy you... Not just mess up your day, or make us feel a little down from time to time, but He wants to kill us all! he desires to steal our futures, and destroy every bit of faith, and every single dream the Lord has deposited within us...
So, how do we get through this? What tools do we have in our arsenal to counter the attack of satan and his minions on our lives? Well, we have the full armor of God as found in Ephesians chapter six, we have the Name, the Blood, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and all of these are Great Tools, However, we have something else...
Revelation 12:11
...they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony...

Now, from this point forward, we will have all of the tools necessary to defeat the devil, his minions, and all evilness that he has planned against us... Simply by using what the Lord has already given you at the cross... His Body, His Blood, and His Victory over death... His Resurrection, the Power of the Holy Ghost, and the voice God gave us when he breathed life into our lungs at the beginning of time... BUT, in order to attain this victory for ourselves, we need to declare that our Faith in God, and His finished work at the cross has paid the price for our Freedom, we need to declare to others that God has done the miraculous for us... No more are we bound, because by the word of our testimony, we are made free... God Bless...
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