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Today, I am a Minister of the Gospel; however, that was not always the case. As a younger man, I found out that I was good at getting in trouble, and for a while, I thought that was fun... until... There's always that moment, especially when you live the life I was living at one time, when you realize that there is a choice to make, one direction leads towards the light, while the other, darkness. Fear consumed me, fear of an early death, or a life without meaning; however, life through a curve ball, and I knew that this was that moment, would I choose the darkness, or would I rest in the cool rays of the morning light. Believe it or not, that can be a tougher decision than one might imagine; however, purely by God's Grace, I walked into the light, and my life has never been the same... The overly Sufficient Grace of God, the Prayers of a Crying mother, the Word of a loving father, combined with the respect, and stern encouragement from a friend that stuck closer than a brother... And, here I am today! God is Faithful... Trust me. taste and see, the Lord is Good....

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Storms

The Storms of life often frighten us; causing us to seek shelter, hunker down, shut all the windows, and lock the doors... 

In some of life's situations, this is truly the right thing to do, not only to protect ourselves from harm, but all of those around us. Yet, in doing so, we must be careful not to misunderstand a move of God with a simple storm or a devious assault from the enemy. While locking everything down in the event of a true attack or storm, is indeed the right thing to do, we must be careful not to block the moves of the Holy Ghost instead...

In Psalms chapter 18, King David found Himself being sought by the enemy, and in his distress, King David called upon the Lord our God for help. As we continue to read through King David's Psalm, we find that in response, the Lord our God appeared as a mighty storm, His voice thundered and sent down hail stones, coals, and fire, scattering the enemy with shots of lightning and arrows and fiery coals, and it was in the storm that the Lord our God rescued King David from the attacks of the enemy, but why, why did the Lord rescue David? The answer to this question is quite simple, David had Faith…

   Psalms 18:3 I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies...

You see, although David was indeed afraid for his life during this stormy period, he was still very aware of where his help came from, and that was from his Heavenly Father, the Great God Almighty, and when he prayed, he cried out to God knowing and believing that God would answer swiftly and in a mighty way...

In the book of Mark, as well as the other Gospels, we find that before Jesus Christ was placed on the cross atop Calvary Hill, He was abused and defiled, beaten and spat upon, ridiculed and covered with a crown of thorns... Our Lord was forced to bear the weight of His own Cross, a cross made out of a tree that He Himself had spoken into existence and finally as if the pain and agony Jesus Christ endured was not enough to appease the crowd, He was placed up high, above the crowds, displayed wide open for all to see, and when He spoke His final Words and gave up the Ghost, there was a mighty earthquake that violently shook the land, a blanket of darkness then covered the skies, as the Temple Vail was torn asunder, and we know the rest of the story, Jesus rises again. Now, as we can see here, God moved once again in the form of thundering darkness, as a storm and a mighty earthquake in order to let it be none that He was still in control...

As we continue on our journey through the storms, we find that we have arrived at the book commonly known as the book of Acts, or the Actions of the Apostles. Here we find that once again there was an incredible move of God which was manifested in the form of a storm only two chapters into the book, only this storm was different, it was the fulfillment of a promise God had given mankind many years before, as far back as Joel chapter two and First Samuel chapter ten...

Acts 2:1-4
And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from the heavens as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance...

This was the culmination of everything we could ever hope for, the gap between man and God had been bridged by the Blood and Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that storm that was unleashed in the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit, is the conduit by which we have communion with God, it is literally the very Spirit of God living within us...

So, there we have it, the storms of this life may not always feel comfortable, the thunder and lightning may sometimes make us feel uneasy and afraid. While we often have the perception that the rushing mighty winds are blowing us off course, it is often in these same storms that we receive the Blessings, Protection, and Power we need to live out our daily lives. You see, the storms of this life can sometimes be little more than a brief lesson, they may be chance occurrences, or they may become the opportunity of a lifetime, so when you are facing a storm in your own life, do not run from it, but face it head on while asking the Lord, "what is it that I need to learn from the particular storm that I am faced with today," and as I can personally express to you today, while coming out of the greatest storm I have had to face to date, there were many Blessings, Lessons, and Opportunities for Promotion that I can directly link to this most recent storm...

The moral of the story? Just look life in the face and give it everything you've got, and you shall be rewarded if you do it right... God Bless, and please, do not run from the storms in your life, but embrace them, learn from them, and allow the Holy Spirit to move in your life, you just may receive something much more special than you would have ever expected... God's Grace, Mercy, Faithfulness, and Salvation...

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