Friday, February 5, 2016

Bibles For Pakistan...

The people of Pakistan are hurting, and it is only the Word of God that can heal them... Please join me in Praying for the church there in Pakistan, and if you would like to help to purchase Bibles in the native tongue, please feel free to contact me at:

More info to come...

Here are just a few pictures of the church members and children... 
 The Church began with only fifteen members in the fall of 2015 and has now grown to over 160 souls...
 Pastor Sajin Sajid, pictured in white, has worked diligently with the people in the area, teaching them to walk in the path of our Beloved Jesus Christ; however, he cannot do it alone, he needs our support...
 Holy Bibles, and other materials, are desperately needed in order to teach the people of Pakistan, that there is a better way, the straight and narrow path which leads to Life more Abundant; yet more importantly, it is the path to Salvation...
 I work very closely with Pastor Sajin on a weekly basis via social media, emails, telephone calls and Skype, and I can vouch that he is doing the work of the Kingdom, and with that stated, I am asking for your help and support. Whether it be in prayer, fasting, or financially, every bit of help is a Blessing... God Bless... Amen...

...Repent and be Baptized, every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38