Friday, April 14, 2023

Pray|The Names of God

 Pray|The Names of God

“When we pray, we must pray with expectations: first, that God is indeed listening, and second, that He will not only hear us, but that He will answer…” 

Bishop Kenneth Phillips| PromiseLand| World Of Pentecost


Genesis 1:1, Psalm 19:1 Meaning "God", a reference to God's power and might.

Malachi 1:6 Meaning "Lord", a reference to the Lordship of God.


  Genesis 2:4 A reference to God's divine salvation.


Exodus 31:13 Meaning "The Lord thy sanctifier"


Psalm 23:1 Meaning "The Lord my shepherd"


Ezekiel 48:35 Meaning "The Lord who is present"


Exodus 15:26 Meaning "The Lord our healer"


Jeremiah 23:6 Meaning "The Lord our righteousness"


Genesis 22:13-14 Meaning "The Lord will provide"


Exodus 17:15 Meaning "The Lord our banner"


  Judges 6:24 Meaning "The Lord is peace"


Isaiah 6:1-3 Meaning "The Lord of Hosts"


Jeremiah 51:6 Meaning "The God of Recompense"


Genesis 14:17-20, Isaiah 14:13-14 Meaning "The Most High God


Genesis 16:13 Meaning "The strong one who sees"


Genesis 17:1, Psalm 91:1 Meaning "The God of the mountains or God Almighty"


Isaiah 40:28-31 Meaning "The everlasting God"


Psalm 3:3 Meaning “The Lord My Glory" 


Judges 6:24 Meaning "The Lord is with you"


Psalm 18:2 Meaning "The Lord the horn of my Salvation"


  Psalm 89:18 Meaning "The Lord Our Defense"


Psalm 24:8 Meaning "The Lord Strong and Mighty"


Psalm 27:1 Meaning "The Lord My Light"


Deut.33:29 Meaning "The Lord, the Shield"


Psalm 18:2 Meaning "The Lord My High Tower"


Psalm 18:2 Meaning "The Lord My Rock"


Psalm 91:9 Meaning "The Lord My Refuge"


Judges 11:27 Meaning "The Lord the Judge"


Isaiah 40:28 Meaning "The Lord Creator"


Psalm 24:8 Meaning "The Lord Mighty in Battle"


Jeremiah 16:19 Meaning "The Lord My fortress"

According to the Miriam-Webster dictionary, the words “to Pray', Prayer, or Praying,” is to address a need, petition, or desire, to God, or other deity, through the verbally spoken word or thought. Furthermore, the words “to Pray', Prayer, or Praying,” are described as an earnest request, desire, or wish, to entreat, to implore or to make a request in a meek and humble manner once again to God, or other deity. Furthermore, the terms “to Pray', Prayer, or Praying” is to address God, or other deity, with adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving. 

(Praying Hands)

As I read through the various dictionaries, and other resources, in search of the meaning of the words, “to Pray, Prayer, or Praying,” I began to realize that the arcadian definitions found in the dictionary, could not possibly tell me what it is I needed to know about those oh so important words, there had to be a better way. After pondering for a minute, and taking another sip of my overpriced caramel latte, my mind began to drift away, and it was then that it occurred to me, if I wanted to know what these words meant to the world today, it would only make sense for me to ask the people who reside here in the world of today. 

Speaking almost audibly, I said to myself, “how do I do I do this, and where do I start?" To which I also replied, "I guess I’ll start right here, right now, right where I am” and so I turned to the table nearest to me, and I began asking this question, "what does Prayer mean t

o you?" In the beginning, it felt a somewhat awkward, the idea of asking total strangers what Prayer means to them, when I wasn't even sure if the individual, I was spe
aking to, even prayed at all, let alone to the same God that I did. Initially, conversing with the patrons of this coffee shop, and asking such unusual questions just seemed uncomfortable and odd, especially in this post-covid, socially distanced world in which we live today, where strangers are to be avoided at all costs; however, the responses I received, made me so glad that I gathered up the courage to do so. 

In the beginning, there seemed to be some hesitation, it appeared that some of those present, there in the coffee shop, were a little reluctant to speak to a total stranger about such a personal and intimate subject; nonetheless, once the ice was broken, there were some really great discussions taking place in Starbucks that day, and it had all begun with just of one simple question," what does Prayer mean to you?"

  • Just talking to God as you would a relative, a close friend, or a loved one.
  • Seeking guidance.
  • Thanking God for all He has done. 
  • Having a conversation with God, it's how we establish our relationship with Jesus.
  • Asking for God's help and direction for your life.
  • Just conversing with the universe, you know, just letting it all go.
  • Just letting it all go, realizing that we are not actually in control of anything, but at the same time, realizing that we are, we always have a choice, even a choice in determining when, if, and to whom, we pray.
  • Just talking, that's it, talking and listening, talking and listening, probably more listening. 
  • Meditating, and connecting with the universe.

Listed above are some of the responses gathered on that day; undoubtedly, the majority of those who took part in the discussion, had at least a partial understanding of what it means to pray. Even those who did not Believe possessed some familiarity and experience with these terms. Although some of the statements and responses provided were unsurprisingly incorrect, in my humble opinion, every single one of the responses received; even the incredibly bad ones, were worth their weight in gold, but why? Because they allowed a conversation to be had, perhaps a seed was planted, and even the slightest the possibility that a heart could be impacted for the good, makes each one of those interactions are precious in the sight of God. 

Now, some of the responses laid out above may ring truer than others, and that's ok, as we realize that ultimately, our goal in prayer is to commune, one on one, or as a body of Believers agreeing as one, with our God, Father, and Creator. We do this, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, the third manifestation of the single God who while both fully Spirit, and fully God, resides within us, to guide us, teach us, and lead us as we live out this thing called life here on the earth. According to the scriptures, the Holy Spirit was present in the beginning when our God and Father spoke the words that created all that we see, the Holy Spirit gives life, not only to all of humanity, but to all living things upon the earth, and it was this same Holy Spirit that gave power to the judges, prophets, kings, and warriors, from Abraham to Moses, Joshua to David, David to Solomon, and all of the Patriarchs and Leaders of our Old Testament, the Tanakh. Even more so, it was the Power of the Holy Spirit that empowered the Apostles, Disciples, and Prophets of the New Testament Era, from Matthew to Mark, Peter to Paul, and Jude to James, and it was by this Holy Spirit, that we have the completed Holy Bible today. 

It was the Holy Spirit that overshadowed Mary, it was the Holy Spirit that filled John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus, from birth, and it was the Holy Spirit that filled the upper room on the Day of Pentecost. The Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, and the Holy Spirit, were all spoken of by Christ Jesus Himself, in John 14:16, Acts 1:8, and throughout the Gospels, and it is the Holy Spirit that the Prophet Joel spoke of in the second chapter of the book that bears his name, Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh..." and now, back to the purpose of this entire article, Prayer.

In the book of Matthew, Chapter Six, we find Jesus instructing His Disciples; therefore, you and I today, on exactly how we should Pray. Before Jesus demonstrates to us the way in which we are to Pray, He first instructs us on how Not to Pray. Matthew 6:7 But when you Pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do..." and in the preceding verses, Jesus instructs His followers to avoid crying loudly in the streets, and on the corners seeking only to bring attention to ourselves, because in doing this, our reward shall be on earth only, causing our Prayers to go unheard, and unanswered in Heaven above. Jesus goes on to teach us that the goal of the Pharisees was only to gain the acknowledgement and praise of others, rather than from God Himself, the Giver of all good things. 

Please understand, this is not meant to be a lesson or in-depth breakdown of the Lord's Prayer, only a brief illustration meant to direct us towards the final conclusion of what it means to Pray the Names of God. However, before doing so, I feel it is important to point out that Prayer is to be a personal and private demonstration of our love, reverence, and honor of God, our Father in Creation, as Jesus Christ in Redemption. and the Holy Spirit in Salvation. It is He who watches over us, Heals us, and makes us Whole, and as we Pray, we are to honor Him first and foremost, before anything else. Next, we are to make our petitions known unto Him, the Holy God, and the only One who can truly make a difference in our lives. Third, we are to intercede for others, and yes. even those who despitefully use us, this is followed by Thanksgiving, and Praise, this is the order of Prayer; however, there is more. 

“When we pray, we must pray with expectations: first, that God is indeed

listening, and second, that He will not only hear us, but that He will answer…” But how do we do this? Well, we declare to God, His own Word. Listed above, are various Names, or really, descriptions of who God was, and is to His people, and each one of these describes certain attributes and characteristics used to exemplify to the Israelites; and thereby, you and I today, all that God is. all that God has done and will do for those who love Him. knowing that God is not a man that He should lie, we as His children can be assured, that when we call upon His Name, Jesus, He will hear us from Heaven, and He will answer. With this understanding, as we Pray, we can declare to God, that, "you are my Elohim, you have all power in earth below, and Heaven above." As we Pray, we can say to God, "y0u are my Jehovah Jireh, you are my provider, or "God, you are Jehovah Ma-genyou are my shield and protector!"

Ten years ago, as I was in the hospital fighting for my life, due to a horrible brain, blood, and bone infection, I began to declare to God in Heaven above, "Lord, you are Jehovah Rapha, you are my Healer, these are your Words, this is within the pages of the Holy Scripture; therefore, you must do what you said you would do, you cannot lie, and so you must act." With expectation, I read Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that He should lie...," and declared that I will live and not die! Though the doctor's report was ominous, and the nurses and therapists felt that even if I survived, that I may never walk unassisted again, I continued to Pray to God the Father in the Name of Jesus, and with Great Anticipation, I waited patiently for His reply, declaring to God, His own Words, found in John 14:14 "if ye shall ask anything in My Name, I will do it..." Ultimately, God heard my Prayers, and ultimately, He began His work in me, and although I still have a road to walk before I am completely restored, whether in this world, or the next, I Know and Believe, that the Work that He has begun, God will complete.

So, what does it all mean? Well the answer is simple, Declare God's Word to Him, Pray with Faith and Expectation in Anticipation of what God will do in your life, and even before the completion of your Prayer, God will begin to move on your behalf. May the Good Lord, Bless You and Keep You, in the Name of Jesus I Pray, Amen.

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