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Today, I am a Minister of the Gospel; however, that was not always the case. As a younger man, I found out that I was good at getting in trouble, and for a while, I thought that was fun... until... There's always that moment, especially when you live the life I was living at one time, when you realize that there is a choice to make, one direction leads towards the light, while the other, darkness. Fear consumed me, fear of an early death, or a life without meaning; however, life through a curve ball, and I knew that this was that moment, would I choose the darkness, or would I rest in the cool rays of the morning light. Believe it or not, that can be a tougher decision than one might imagine; however, purely by God's Grace, I walked into the light, and my life has never been the same... The overly Sufficient Grace of God, the Prayers of a Crying mother, the Word of a loving father, combined with the respect, and stern encouragement from a friend that stuck closer than a brother... And, here I am today! God is Faithful... Trust me. taste and see, the Lord is Good....

Monday, January 16, 2017

MLK Day... 2017

Martin Luthor King JR.
Growing up as a kid, I honestly had no idea that there was a "difference" between myself and any of the other kids I went to school with... Black, Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian, or otherwise. As a child, I was raised to believe that there was no difference at all, actually, it was not until middle school, after a kid called me the "n" word, that my mother explained to me that there indeed was a perceived difference, and that there were individuals who considered other people as lower or inferior...

As I think about what today stands for, Martin Luther King Day, I think back to the beginning of time itself... In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... The Word became Flesh and walked amongst us...

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth, and the Earth was without form and void... In the beginning, God made man in His own image, He created them male and female... and that is it, one mankind, one human race, and in the eyes of the Lord, we are all equal... In His eyes, we are all one, individual parts of a single body...

Today, I declare to you that we are one, you and I, me and you, two individual parts of the same pie, two children of the most high God, this is what I think about today... God Bless...

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